Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Tebing Keraton, A New Famous Destination in Bandung

Tebing Keraton is a new sightseeing destination in Bandung that becomes famous after a lot of reviews in social media. It's location is not too far from Bandung. It's only about 5 kilometers from Taman Hutan Raya Djuanda.

From the cliff you can see amazing panorama about forest and mountains on the far away side. If you come in very morning, you could see the fog envelop the forest. When the sunrise comes, you will see miracle. So many people compete to stand on the edge of the cliff to take a self picture, or group picture of themself.

To enter the location, now you need to pay some 11000 rupiahs. The local people use the moneys for neighborhoods treasury and to maintain cleanliness of the location. You also need to park your vehicle near there and go to the cliff by foot. You should be careful in wet season because the road to there still mix of soil and asphalt.

After it's sudden popularity, Tebing Keraton becomes a new favorite destination for people from Bandung and also for tourists from outside the City. They come by bicycles, motorcycles, cars or by walk.